Reasonable, thoughtful, experienced
Reasonable, thoughtful, experienced
Thank you for coming to visit my site, where you will have a chance to learn about who I am and what I stand for. There are those whose advice is to minimize what I would put out for information, not to commit to positions that would later be called out or unable to be changed. I have always spoken my mind and relied on my family for their guidance and input and opt to give e reader enough information to gain an understanding of what having me for your representative might look like. and
I am running for the New Hampshire Legislature because I believe that I can make a positive contribution to maintaining the New Hampshire character and the lifestyle that so many have come to love. Many of you who I have spoken to have expressed concerns about the direction that our state may be heading in should our legislature become more “progressive” and I share many of those concerns.
With a strong background in science, (including a degree in Biology), emergency management and response, owning my own business, working in town and state government and being a part of the Bristol and Bridgewater communities for many years I can bring a breadth of experience, technical expertise and local knowledge to issues that impact District 10.
Volunteerism: I don't necessarily like listing my volunteer activities as volunteers are generally not in the habit of seeking recognition. However, I have been asked what my connections to the local communities are and these volunteer efforts have been an important part of these connections. I have always been interested in helping in my community. From being a call firefighter in Bristol and Assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster in Bridgewater to somehow becoming the cheerleading coordinator for the Plymouth Huskies I've been part of the area's community for years.
Since filing to run for office I have received about 25 requests to fill out surveys. Every single one of them has questions that are driven by their agenda, as you would expect. Many only allow you to answer questions in a restricted manner and not fully enough so that your answer would not potentially be misunderstood. Some even sta
Since filing to run for office I have received about 25 requests to fill out surveys. Every single one of them has questions that are driven by their agenda, as you would expect. Many only allow you to answer questions in a restricted manner and not fully enough so that your answer would not potentially be misunderstood. Some even state veiled "threats" that if you don't respond they will put you in a negative light, such as "declined to answer". Based on these observations I initially decided not to complete any surveys and rather speak directly with people, which is always my preference. However, some people whose opinion I greatly respect suggested that I should complete the Citizen's Count survey as it has the reputation for being fair and unbiased. Therefore, as of 10/31 I have done so in hopes that it will provide more voters the opportunity to learn about my candidacy,. Hopefully this web site will provide much more specific answers to your interest in my candidacy than any survey. Absolutely feel free to contact me and we could set up a time to meet personally.
When elected I will be your representative. It will be my charge to make every effort to know and understand my constituents'wishes and to vote accordingly. As it is not possible to poll the constituency for every vote it is essential that a representative learn the makeup of their constituency and understand their wishes. Most people
When elected I will be your representative. It will be my charge to make every effort to know and understand my constituents'wishes and to vote accordingly. As it is not possible to poll the constituency for every vote it is essential that a representative learn the makeup of their constituency and understand their wishes. Most people that I have spoken with, however, are wanting to know where I stand on certain issues so that they can decide if I would properly represent their interests. Therefore, I have included where I stand on a few issues of concern. While my stand on issues may not change, or could be changed with more knowledge, it is still my intent to vote according to my constituents' wishes. As a nearly 50 year resident of the area and an active member of both Bristol and Bridgewater for many years I have a good start on a core understanding of the nature of the constituency.
We have all noticed and experienced the significant increase in the cost of our daily living expenses. My wife and I, like many others, are retired and essentially live on an income that will not be increasing. Many New Hampshire families live paycheck to paycheck as did our family for many years, making it nearly impossible to absorb n
We have all noticed and experienced the significant increase in the cost of our daily living expenses. My wife and I, like many others, are retired and essentially live on an income that will not be increasing. Many New Hampshire families live paycheck to paycheck as did our family for many years, making it nearly impossible to absorb numerous drastic changes in the cost of living. There are many ideas proposed at the state, federal and town levels which would require more tax dollars to implement. While there are many ideas that it might be nice to implement, it is absolutely imperative that the management of the State's expenditures minimize the impact to the cost of living to the residents of New Hampshire while maintaining our quality of life. I am not in favor of a state income tax or increasing the tax burden on business. I will strive to not raise your taxes. Nearly every single person that I have spoken to during this campaign has expressed that the cost of living is a priority.
We must assure that the citizens of New Hampshire continue to have dependable, affordable sources of energy. I am not in support of setting deadlines or policies that force our citizens from using whatever energy source that they believe is the best, or only affordable option, for them. At about $5 per gallon for home heating oil an
We must assure that the citizens of New Hampshire continue to have dependable, affordable sources of energy. I am not in support of setting deadlines or policies that force our citizens from using whatever energy source that they believe is the best, or only affordable option, for them. At about $5 per gallon for home heating oil and a minimum delivery amount of 150 gallons families have to be prepared to pay in the range of $750 for slightly over a half a tank of oil. That is simply unacceptable, and basically not possible for many families. Our legislature should not be legislating energy policies which drive up the cost to the citizens. Forcing electric vehicles on an already stressed electric grid is unwise; where will this extra electricity come from as the push to eliminate fossil fuel power plants continues? Alternative sources and renewables are not enough, at this point, to provide our needed power supplies if our existing energy infrastructure is degraded by forced policy/law. Sensible, cost effective policies regarding New Hampshire's energy supplies must be a priority. Repeating myself, nearly every single person I have spoken to is concerned about energy costs.
As someone who attended public schools in 3 different states and 3 countries I was very well served by the dedicated educators in all instances and I have always been a supporter of the public school system. However, I, and many I have spoken with, see the quality of our education system has eroded. Our schools should be concentrating
As someone who attended public schools in 3 different states and 3 countries I was very well served by the dedicated educators in all instances and I have always been a supporter of the public school system. However, I, and many I have spoken with, see the quality of our education system has eroded. Our schools should be concentrating on the basics of education to assure that our children are ready to move on after graduation, whether it be in the work force or further education. I have heard from many people their concerns regarding exactly what is being taught to our children, especially our youngest. Our schools should not be providing politically, racially or other biased views of any subject. The curricula should reflect the values of our communities and be allowed to be closely scrutinized by parents to assure that they do. An ongoing challenge for our legislature will be to determine how best to fund education in New Hampshire without placing an unfair burden (many believe that it is already unfair or even illegal) on the taxpayers. I have already heard many opinions on education and will look forward to hearing from constituents as to their thoughts.
This is one of the issues that some voters count as the single issue that they will base their vote on. It is important, therefore, to be clear on where I stand on this. It is the topic that I have been asked about the most to this point. I will absolutely make it a priority to know what the constituents of District 10 want regarding ab
This is one of the issues that some voters count as the single issue that they will base their vote on. It is important, therefore, to be clear on where I stand on this. It is the topic that I have been asked about the most to this point. I will absolutely make it a priority to know what the constituents of District 10 want regarding abortion in New Hampshire. However, everyone who has discussed this with me still has wanted to know my position. We have discussed this at length in our family. I, and my wife, believe the choice for abortion should be left to the pregnant woman up until the time of "viability" (currently generally set at 24 weeks). We do not agree that abortions should be allowed past the point of viability except if there is a danger to the woman's survival or if there is solid evidence that the child will not be born alive. So far I have spoken to no one who is at either end of the spectrum of possibilities on the topic, ie. there should never be an abortion for any reason, or it is acceptable to have abortion at any time up until the time of birth. Most I have spoken with are somewhere in the middle of the alternatives, similar to where I stand. As far as our N.H. law on abortion I have heard concerns about the liability for doctors, which is an issue that I share a concern about. Additionally, my wife and I share a concern that the parental notification may cause young woman to seek abortions in an unsafe way. I very much look forward to your input on this topic.
Difficult and complicated. This topic has led, without question, to driving our energy economy, stability and nationlal security into a tenuous position. The attempts to eliminate fossil fuels before there are adequate, affordable, equally dependable replacements is directly placing a financial burden on the citizens of our state and co
Difficult and complicated. This topic has led, without question, to driving our energy economy, stability and nationlal security into a tenuous position. The attempts to eliminate fossil fuels before there are adequate, affordable, equally dependable replacements is directly placing a financial burden on the citizens of our state and country. My position is that we must, as your representatives, thoroughly understand this topic and make decisions based on that knowledge, not on media sound bites. Frankly, I question that human caused carbon emissions will produce the prophesied cataclysmic results proclaimed in the media. As your representative I will promise to know this topic as thoroughly as possible (already studying), consider the true science for future potential impacts to our state's environment and then be able to present fair unbiased information back to the constituents for their consideration. I urge you all to carefully study this topic by researching information from both viewpoints. This will directly impact your finances.
I absolutely support our law enforcement community. Without question they step up to protect and assist their communities. They must have the moral and financial support of their governing officials and they will get that from me. In the past few years there has been a drive to demonize our law enforcement and to no longer respect wh
I absolutely support our law enforcement community. Without question they step up to protect and assist their communities. They must have the moral and financial support of their governing officials and they will get that from me. In the past few years there has been a drive to demonize our law enforcement and to no longer respect what they do or their position in our communities. Nationally, this has demoralized their community and impacted recruitment. Defund the police was a completely ill-conceived philosophy enacted much too carelessly across the country. New Hampshire, fortunately, has not seen a significant drive towards the defund movement. I personally do not support "defund the police" efforts.
I fully support the rights given in our Second Amendment. I personally would not support any additional gun control efforts. and the vast majority of local people that I have spoken with agree with this position. I, and many District 10 constituents are extremely concerned about the drive towards "red flag" laws and the potential impact on law abiding gun owners.
I have always been interested in the outdoors and our natural world and always considered myself conservation minded. I trained in Biology in college and have worked in the "environmental" field for over 33 years, 30 of those at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. However, an important distinction is that I don't con
I have always been interested in the outdoors and our natural world and always considered myself conservation minded. I trained in Biology in college and have worked in the "environmental" field for over 33 years, 30 of those at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. However, an important distinction is that I don't consider myself an "environmentalist" as this term has become, to some, a negative title synonymous with environmental activism and a biased one-track view of every environmental issue. I have been a scientist working in the environmental field performing a myriad of technical, scientific, regulatory and contingency planning tasks. These jobs exposed me to the varying and complicated issues surrounding environmental topics. I also saw how environmental laws and sometimes the arbitrary implementation of them impact businesses and citizens alike. There must be a balance between environmental goals and their impact on our citizens. We cannot, as a state, place restrictive, costly requirements on our citizens only considering an environmental factor; there must be reasoned, scientific examination of these topics. Hot topics, such as climate change and energy supply require a vast amount of study to be well informed about. A true scientist verifies before agreeing with popular positions and I promise that I am working diligently to be well informed on these topics. I repeat that my constituents will be my guide, but I will work hard to understand the environmental issues fully so that I can knowledgeably and fairly answer your questions
- Bristol Select Board, beginning 2022
- Bristol Conservation Commission 25+ years [Current Chair]
- Tapply Thompson Community Center Little League Coach and umpire
- Boy Scouts Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 50 Bridgewater - 11 years.
- Assistant Cheerleading Coach and Cheerleading Coordinator: Plymouth Huskies Pop Warner
- Assi
- Bristol Select Board, beginning 2022
- Bristol Conservation Commission 25+ years [Current Chair]
- Tapply Thompson Community Center Little League Coach and umpire
- Boy Scouts Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 50 Bridgewater - 11 years.
- Assistant Cheerleading Coach and Cheerleading Coordinator: Plymouth Huskies Pop Warner
- Assistant Cheerleading Coach Friends of Newfound Football and Newfound Reg. High School Basketball
- Board Member including terms as President for Pinegrove Association, Newfound Lake
- Conduct beach bacteria sampling for Town beaches 2019-2022
- Member of Performing Arts Workgroup under the Governor’s Economic Reopening Taskforce. Drafted guidelines for Live Entertainment and Karaoke during COVID
Tapply Thompson Community Center COVID volunteer shopper
Town of Bristol
NH Dept of Environmental Services
Town of Bristol
NH Dept of Environmental Services
At every step of my Oil Spill Response career I was trained, guided and mentored by my Supervisor, Rick Berry, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for his unselfish sharing and patience with me.
- Lewis Carmel Stearns Award for Excellence in Botany, Bridgewater State College
- Governor Benson’s State of NH cost savings Award
- Gulf of Maine Council on the Environment Visionary Award: for Protection of NH and Maine region’s Coastal Spill Response Preparedness 2016-GOMC-Award-Winner-Bios.pdf (gulfofmaine.org)
- U.S. Coast Guard Me
- Lewis Carmel Stearns Award for Excellence in Botany, Bridgewater State College
- Governor Benson’s State of NH cost savings Award
- Gulf of Maine Council on the Environment Visionary Award: for Protection of NH and Maine region’s Coastal Spill Response Preparedness 2016-GOMC-Award-Winner-Bios.pdf (gulfofmaine.org)
- U.S. Coast Guard Meritorious Public
Service Award 2018
- NH DES Oil Remediation Compliance Bureau Environmental Professional Award 2012
- Town of Bristol Community Spirit Award 2021
The United States Coast Guard, takes great pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award to Mr. Carroll Brown Jr in recognition of his steadfast dedication to environmental protection during his 28 years of service in the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Throughout his career Mr Brown's profe
The United States Coast Guard, takes great pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award to Mr. Carroll Brown Jr in recognition of his steadfast dedication to environmental protection during his 28 years of service in the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Throughout his career Mr Brown's professionalism and leadership were instrumental in preparing New Hampshire and Maine for coastal oil spills and ensuring that federal, state, and local agencies were fully integrated for a unified response. .... His tireless committment to interagency cooperation, contingency preparedness and environmental protection leaves a lasting legacy across Northern Newgland..
2016-GOMC-Award-Winner-Bios.pdf (gulfofmaine.org)
Since 2002 Carroll Brown of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, has been tireless in his effort to plan for and make sure the region is equipped for a release of oil to the coastal waters of New Hampshire and Southern Maine. Following the disbanding of the Piscata
2016-GOMC-Award-Winner-Bios.pdf (gulfofmaine.org)
Since 2002 Carroll Brown of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, has been tireless in his effort to plan for and make sure the region is equipped for a release of oil to the coastal waters of New Hampshire and Southern Maine. Following the disbanding of the Piscataqua River Cooperative (industry led response organization) Carroll was instrumental in continuing the coastal oil spill preparedness efforts by helping to form the Portsmouth Oil Spill Response Workgroup Following the disbanding of the Piscataqua River Cooperative Carroll was instrumental in continuing the coastal oil spill preparedness efforts by helping to form the Portsmouth Oil Spill Response Workgroup. Carroll has chaired this group as well as acted as the New Hampshire chair for the Maine/New Hampshire Area Committee. When the Cooperative disbanded, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services retained the Cooperative’s spill response equipment; Carroll ensured that this equipment was accounted for, repaired and kept in service to continue a high level of response readiness in the region. Carroll heads a committee that designs and updates geographic response plans for New Hampshire and parts of New Hampshire and Maine. When faced with the task of protecting Great Bay and provided with strategies that were unworkable, Carroll spent endless hours creating and overseeing testing of new response strategies. His creativity and dedication have resulted in a working strategy able to be deployed in a short amount of time, consisting of over a mile of Boom. Carroll’s outreach efforts and coordination have led to strong partnerships between different agencies and stakeholders. The region’s response capabilities have been greatly increased by Carroll’s dedication, his creativity and the relationships that he has been able to build.
I would be humbled if you wish to donate to my campaign.
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